Error: Could not find or load main class TestEnum | Java

* @author Shashank Shekhar
*  @version 1.0
* This program test enum under if condition
package Chapter3;
public class TestEnum
 enum Season {spring, summer, fall, winter};
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Season W1 = Season.summer;
   System.out.println("Well....Weather is Winter...");
   System.out.println("Well....Weather is Not Winter...");   

Generally what happen when we compile a normal java program without any package (or namespace in C#) is that ".class" is generated in place where ".Java" files is placed.

So, executing below command will generate TestEnum.class in folder where is located.


But problem starts once you have put or create any namespace/package in ".java" file.

So executing below command results in given error even if everything is correct.

D:\Temp\java Chapter3.TestEnum
Error: Could not find or load main class TestEnum

Work around :
Found many articles talking about similar problem but with different solutions of trying classpath which did not work for this problem. There is twist while compiling a file manually on command line, especially those having package name specified on the top of program. Just include -d option with . which denotes current directory, and java compiler creates a dedicated folder as per the name of package provided in the class.

D:\Temp\javac -d .

Please note that -d option does have impact only when there is any package name exclusively specified over the top of class, otherwise, it will also have same behavior as if  -d option were not present while compiling.


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