C Language in Detail

Below are the question given topic wise and are classified according to the different topics in
programming language c:

Mathematical Calculations
1. Write a program to print a statement.
2. Write a program to calculate the addition of two numbers.
3. Write a program to multiply two numbers.
4. Write a program to find the Ari thematic operation.
5. Write a program to swap the given numbers.
6. Write a program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit.
7. Write a program to find the simple and compound interest.
8. Write a program to find the power of given value.
9. Write a program to calculate the quadratic equation

Using For Loop Statement
1. Write a program to print a statement using for loop.
2. Write a program to print a statement up to n terms using for loop.
3. Write a program to find the multiplication table.
4. Write a program to print the start.
5. Write a program to print the number in given format :
3 2 1
2 1

6. Write a program to find the sum between limits.
7. Write a program to find the sum of N numbers using for loop.
8. Write a program to find the sum of digits.
9. Write a program to find the factorial number.
10.Write a program to generate the factorial number.
11.Write a program to generate fibonacci series.
12.Write a program to print the series as 1+1/2+1/3+...
13.Write a program to print the starts in triangle shape.
14.Write a program to print the number in incrementing order in triangle shape.

Using If Else Statement
1. Write a program to find the given number is equal or not.
2. Write a program to find the given number is odd or even.
3. Write a program to find whether the given number is positive or negative.
4. Write a program to find the biggest number among 3 numbers using if statement.
5. Write a program to find the electricity bill using if else statement.
6. Write a program to calculate the grade of a subject.
7. Write a program to find the maximum and minimum number.
8. Write a program to calculate the roots of quadratic equation.
9. Write a program to calculate Gross pay and Net pay.

Using For Loop and If Else Statement together
1. Write a program to find the number divisible by 7 between the given limits.
2. Write a program to generate odd and even numbers.
3. Write a program to print the hallo box.
4. Write a program to print the hallo box by getting the value from the user.
5. Write a program to generate the power of n.
6. Write a program to find the sum of odd and even numbers.
7. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not.
8. Write a program to generate prime number.
9. Write a program to generate prime numbers using square root value.
10.Write a program to generate prime numbers by getting the limits value.
11.Write a program to create a empty square.
12.Write a program to create a expanding square box
13.Write a program to find the sin series using if statement

Using While Statement
1. Write a program to find the sum of N numbers using while statement.
2. Write a program to print the number using while statement.
3. Write a program to find the reverse of a given number.
4. Write a program to find the square of the given number.
5. Write a program to play a match stick game with the stick of 21.
6. Write a program to find the multiplication table upto 10 tables.
7. Write a program to find the power of given value using while statement.
8. Write a program to find the armstrong number.
9. Write a program to find the armstrong number generation.
10.Write a program to find the sin series using while statement

Using Switch Case Statement
1. Write a program to find the Arithematical operation using switch case.
2. Write a program to print the weekdays using switch case.
3. Write a program to find Armstrong number, Factorial number, given number is
equal or not and prime number using switch case.

Using Array
1. Write a program to find the position of the biggest value using array.
2. Write a program to get the number and print that number using array.
3. Write a program to reverse a given number using array.
4. Write a program to calculate the total and average for n number of terms using
5. Write a program to find the sum upto n numbers using array.
6. Write a program to find the sum of given numbers using array.
7. Write a program to find the sum of squares using array.
8. Write a program to find the middle value from a given numbers.
9. Write a program to find the addition of matrix.
10.Write a program to find the Subtraction of matrix.
11.Write a program to find the multiplication of matrix.
12.Write a program to find the transpose of matrix.
13.Write a program to find the addition,subtraction and multiplication of matrix.
14.Write a program to sort the numbers in descending order using array.
15.Write a program to sort the numbers in ascending order using array

Using Strings
1. Write a program to convert lower case into upper case.
2. Write a program to Count number of vowels in a given string.
3. Write a program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
4. Write a program to find the upper case string into lower case string.
5. Write a program to sort the given strings in alphabetical order.
6. Write a program to find the count of characters,words and lines.
7. Write a program to sort the strings using array

Using Functions Statement
1. Write a program to find the factorial number using function.
2. Write a program to find the area of triangle using function.
3. Write a program to find the number 7 in a given digit using function.
4. Write a program to find the sin series using function.
5. Write a program to find the transpose of matrix using function

Using Pointer Variables
1. Find the reorder a one-dimensional, integer array from smallest to largest using
pointer notation

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