16 May, 2016

Error: Could not find or load main class TestEnum | Java

* @author Shashank Shekhar
*  @version 1.0
* This program test enum under if condition
package Chapter3;
public class TestEnum
 enum Season {spring, summer, fall, winter};
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Season W1 = Season.summer;
   System.out.println("Well....Weather is Winter...");
   System.out.println("Well....Weather is Not Winter...");   

Generally what happen when we compile a normal java program without any package (or namespace in C#) is that ".class" is generated in place where ".Java" files is placed.

So, executing below command will generate TestEnum.class in folder where TestEnum.java is located.

D:\Temp\javac TestEnum.java

But problem starts once you have put or create any namespace/package in ".java" file.

So executing below command results in given error even if everything is correct.

D:\Temp\java Chapter3.TestEnum
Error: Could not find or load main class TestEnum

Work around :
Found many articles talking about similar problem but with different solutions of trying classpath which did not work for this problem. There is twist while compiling a file manually on command line, especially those having package name specified on the top of program. Just include -d option with . which denotes current directory, and java compiler creates a dedicated folder as per the name of package provided in the class.

D:\Temp\javac -d . TestEnum.java

Please note that -d option does have impact only when there is any package name exclusively specified over the top of class, otherwise, it will also have same behavior as if  -d option were not present while compiling.

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